Join a programme!

At the moment we’re only running a few programmes at a time, but if you’d like to register your interest for a programme, we can contact you when we have new dates available. Please contact

You helped ( ... ) understand her feelings more and shared positive strategies to help deal with them and not be afraid to ask for help when something happens.
— Parent
My daughter really enjoyed the course! She was sad when it ended in fact. So just want to say a big thank you to everyone who is involved in running this course!
— Parent

Upcoming Programmes

‘Justina and Rebecca really knew their stuff, the course was well structured and really interesting, it’s made me be able to view things related to my identity in a more positive way.’
— Young Adult who Participated in this programme previously
We have already had really positive feedback about how much they enjoyed it and how helpful they have found it.
— Pam Granger, Aspire
  • A programme for children aged 7-10 years old who may be self harming or struggling to cope with their emotions.

  • A programme for children aged 7 -10 years old helping them explore how to create and maintain their wellbeing.

  • A programme for young people aged 12-14 who are looking to reflect on their coping strategies and explore more ways to cope with life’s challenges.

  • A programme for young adults aged 18-25 who are looking to explore safer ways to cope with their mental health.

  • A programme for parents, carers and other adult allies (including professionals) who are supporting a child or young person who self harms.